Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is the Culture at IIM B and how is it formed?

Organizational culture has been defined as "the specific unwritten set of values, understandings, beliefs and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization, it is passed on to new members. Culture is basically people's "way of life", meaning the way they do things. It basically exists in two parts, first is the smaller and visible part of it containing symbols, slogans, behaviors, dress, physical settings and the larger part which is basically the feeling part consisting of underlying values, assumptions, beliefs, attitudes etc.
IIM B is an organization consisting of students, faculty, staff and administration. The student body makes the larger part of it. The inculcating of the cultural values that this organization upholds starts right from the first day of orientation program for new batch. Firstly, let us start with ceremonies, on the very first day the Director awarded the people placed in the Director’s Merit List and doing it before the upcoming batch reinforces the emphasis the organization puts into academics. This inspires the new arrival to focus their energies on studies. The lecture on ethics and social responsibility reinstated the importance that this organization relates to the ethics at work place and what it expects from its student bodies. Also the emphasis on case studies and team building program both in the institute and outside at outbound gave new student an idea about the importance of team work here. The visit with Vikasana at different places gave students an idea of how IIM B as an organization wants to be socially active and improve not only the internal and external environment. The code of conduct laid by the Student Affairs Council for the behavior of student body reinforced the importance of brand IIM B which students from now on have to uphold not only these two years but throughout their lives. Last but not the least the party thrown by the senior batch at L^2 for the new arrivals encouraged a bonding among the new arrivals and also among the two batches. Secondly, stories about alumni and their success at different levels of society and corporate world inspire the student to innovate and take lead in different walks of life.
IIM B has a strong focus on external environment; this is maintained by flexibility and change to meet the demands of students, recruiters and industries. The culture encourages initiatives from the student body most of the student affairs and decisions are in the hands Student Affairs Council , a elected student body representing the student body inside the campus. The students are free to suggest any improvements or changes in any process at any point of time and follow their interest through activities organized by numerous clubs in the campus. Even the students are allowed to come forth and open a new club if they think that the existing clubs don’t cater to the needs. The different clubs like Forum for industrial interactions, ICON consulting club etc. try to increase the industry academia interaction through different operations. Vikasana, the people working for society at large give students a chance to contribute to different aspects of society. Other clubs like EnI give student an opportunity to hone his ideas and understand the pros and cons of startups and encourage them to think out of the box. The IIM B community needs its student to have a great focus on academics and expects high performance at every level. The students are provided with almost all the help possible from seniors, professors and administration in this aspect. The students are provided with study materials, tutorials so they can learn from self learning. The students are encouraged to work with different industries to broaden their horizons and practical training. This not only encourages them to follow their interest but brings leader out of them which is the basic mission of this organization i.e. to give India leaders in every walk of life.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Advisory: This film contains graphic violence

Director: Roman Polanski
Starring: Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann
Written By: Ronald Harwood(Screenplay), Wladvslaw Szpilman(Book)

First of all, something about the Director because as a person who has gone through the holocaust personally, it is really important to understand how the trauma has affected him and his views. This will give us a clear view of the world that the director has tried to recreate through this film.
Roman Polanski
He was forced into a concentration camp as a child, and his mother died there when he was seven years old, he escaped through a hole in a barbed wire fence. He has directed this movie with restraint and honesty, and has not let his personal views and perspective come into the way, instead has let the events and the actions tell the story. He avoids the opportunity to make his protagonist a hero in classic Hollywood fashion.
The biggest surprise of the film is that, even after showing us such horrors carried out by the Germans, Polanski brings out the both sides of the coin. We can see the sparks of hatred, prejudice, and violence in the hearts of his own community too.
The Pianist is a masterfully directed and brilliantly acted movie."

Adrien Brody
Adrien Brody is a revelation in this movie. His performance carries this movie particularly in the last half when he is alone and simply observing.
Great stretches of the last half of movie features no dialogue at all. This man portrayed the total feeling of hopelessness, being alone, being hated. The way I imagined this feeling is like in rugby where you have no one else on your team and you're the only one left standing, yet on the other team there is a group of big men that are just waiting to whack that ball at you.
Brody has done his homework for when his fingers are required, either on the keys or just above them. His performance is beyond Oscar worthy.

The true story is of Wladyslaw Szpilman who, in the 1930s, was known as the most accomplished piano player in all of Poland. At the outbreak of the Second World War, Szpilman becomes subject to the anti-Jewish laws imposed by the conquering Germans. He saw his world go from piano to the Jewish Ghetto and then he suffers the tragedy of his family taken to German concentration camps, while Szpilman is forced to live in German Labor Compound. At last he escapes and goes into hiding as a Jewish refugee.
The story covers the years 1939 to 1946 in Szpilman's life. The entire film is from his perspective, and he is in every scene, except a few.
The movie begins with the bombing of Warsaw .The pianist; Wladyslaw Szpilman is playing live on radio station when the Germans begin bombing Warsaw. His insists on finishing the piece as the technicians flee when a bomb drops on the building. Szpilman and his family prepare to flee before the Nazi invasion. Just then news comes over the radio that England has entered the war and France will enter soon, they change their mind, thinking that the Nazi's will have to turn their attention elsewhere. This scene depicts the importance or the worth of the media in affecting the decisions of persons or society at large. Also, how a propaganda model of Nazis against Jews brings the whole race on the verge of extermination from the face of the earth.
This first half of the movie is shown through the Szpilman family. Their varying reactions, the father's weary acceptance, the youngest son's anger, the mother's worries over caring for her family, represent all of the differing Jewish reactions.
The Pianist answers the one great question everyone has about the Jewish experience. Why did they cooperate with their own destruction, in spite of being in huge numbers ?
The reason is the clever Nazi plan. Despite the allies entering the war, they begin slowly by passing laws restricting Jewish freedoms. It started with restricting Jews from going to restaurants, parks and other public areas. Particularly depicted when Wladyslaw steps out with a cellist he's attracted to, he can't take her anywhere, to a restaurant, to the park, they are even restricted to sit on a bench, so they just stand, and the dialogue here beautifully portrays the dilemma, the pain.
Then, Nazis restricted their other rights slowly. Always before the next round of restrictions, first there come the rumours, then the newspaper reports, and finally the enforcement. Forcing them to wear badges to show that they are Jewish, the exact measurements of which are carefully spelled out in the newspaper. The badges is a classic use of symbols used by the Nazis to separate out the Jews from the Germans and create a symbolic divide in the minds of Germans and Jews.( Not only by the Germans, the picture you see, on the front page is a promotion poster for the film ,which emphasises on two things pianist and the Star of David, clearly stating the theme of the film) In the final phase of the Nazi plan in Warsaw, all Jews are forced to move into a Ghetto which the Nazi's surrounded with a brick wall. They watched the neighbours being abused because they can’t respond to ridiculous and abusive commands fast enough - like the man in the wheelchair told to stand up. This scene is used as a symbol for the unrelenting cruelness showed by the Nazis. The many shocking scenes of cruelty go on and on, until they become commonplace. This makes the care for the dying give way to just trying to survive. These restrictions also helps us to analyse the extreme condition of government interfering with personal lives of people, here we can draw a analogy that if the regulations or restrictions in this strict sense can destroy a whole economy as is the case of country here, so governments need to keep a holistic view when deciding over regulation.
This slow build up of cruelties, removed the possibility of rebellion and resistance, allowed the Nazis to wear the Jews down, until the people were too weak and demoralized to be able to react. This also brings out the fact that power corrupts a person to any extent. The German soldiers were so seduced by the power assigned to them that they began taking pleasure in inflicting punishments on their fellow Jews. The other side of this corruption is the scenes depicting the German soldiers taking bribes from the Jews in return of doing small favours from them, this is a direct relation of the film to the present day society especially in India, where corruption has spread its roots, so deep that it has become a obvious fact in business and special liaison departments are setup, just for dealing with the government officials.
Once inside Ghetto, Wladyslaw finds a job of playing piano at a restaurant which was allowed to remain open because the owners are supporting the Nazis. It clearly brings out the point that profit is all that matters for a businessman and it governs the society at large. A former friend who has joined the Jewish police asks Wladyslaw and his brother to join the force, which they blatantly refuse. Food starts to run out. They are forced to live on potatoes. Wladyslaw and his brother try to sell books off to other Jews with no better source of income than they have. Even here, the movie depicts a few business owners doing illegitimate business by bribing the Nazis soldiers at the gates, bringing out the crude materialistic reality of the human nature. Members of the Jews family start disappearing mysteriously or growing sick with no help for it. A German soldier makes old Jews dance by the ghetto gate. We watch the atrocities mount but still life keeps the illusion of normality. There are work permits to be obtained, meals to be made. So that, even when the dead bodies of children are in the street and people are being stripped off everything and carted off to death camps. In one dialogue, Wladyslaw mentions the Nazi population as 400,000; his brother corrects him sarcastically that they are 360,000, so it will be easy to fix them in a small area. This is a fantastic use of numbers to bring out the enormity of the situation. The scene where Wladyslaw obtains permit for his father, through his contacts with an important person (who is a friend of his friend) brought out the importance of social networks to us in a very simplistic sense.
Once the Germans have their extermination camps set-up, the trains start taking the Polish Jews to their final destination. It is then, that the tale of Wladyslaw Szpilman begins to take extraordinary twists and turns that suggest surviving while surrounded by such inhumanity cannot be planned. When the Nazi's begin moving the Jews to the concentration camp, and the Szpilmans are being boarded on the trains with everyone else, Wladyslaw is offered a chance to escape.
He ends up in a work detail, relatively well fed and trusted enough that he's able to help smuggle weapons in preparation for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. But before the uprising he makes a decision to go into hiding. It’s an extraordinary situation--it takes six or seven people to keep one Jew alive. This whole story of escaping his tryst with death just because he had a few Germans and Police officer as friends makes us ponder over the fact how important social capital or in crude sense networking or personal relations are in life of a person or society at large. This uprising is also a classic example of people ,when put into the same conditions again and again tend to collude and here also , the revisiting atrocities of the Nazis brings the Jews closer and work for a common goal
He is not a hero, he is not a rebel that wants and lusts after revenge. He is a simple man who is doing everything in his power to stay alive. He is a desperate man and fears for his life and wants to stay as low as he can. Some scenes carry tons of emotions yet have little to no dialogue. The scene where Szpilman climbs over the wall and is walking through a veritable waste land of destroyed buildings is a powerfully quiet, cold image of death.
Ultimately it is his gift of music that perhaps saves his life and the final scene that he has with the German soldier is one of the most emotionally inspiring scenes I've witnessed. I think it is this scene that won Brody his Oscar. This is one of the all time great performances.
The opening performance by the pianist at the local radio station (with the sound of bomb explosions in the background) forming a harmonious link between the beginning and end of the film.
To say something is great that came out of such a terrible time is disconcerting. But this is a film that educates as well as makes you feel. Today, we have hardly put the Holocaust behind us. The world still teeters on the edge of war and chaos. Genocide still happens. Arrogant governments shove whole nations around and stereotype their peoples as lesser beings. What we need is art that shows how beauty and sustaining grace are provided in the midst of the madness. This brings in our view the role of media because this film being a small part of media colossal still has affected my point of view and with me of many others to look at this world in a different perspective where, we want to thank that, we were born in a free society.
This makes us think that how governments, their regulations affects the society, how it ensures the right of equality, right of freedom, right to speech or for that matter right to live. . It also shows that how a wrongly chosen or in this case, an ideological government can push its people or for that matter ,the whole world on the verge of destruction.
The power of media has grown tremendously in the present world, which is evident from the fact that the Oscar award (Best Actor in a leading role-Adrien Brody, Best Director-Roman Polanski, Best writing, Adapted screen play-Ronal Harwood) given to this film, has made this movie cross borders and reach to international community even to countries like India. This shows us the influence of media, how a award ceremony taking place in far off place has affected us and made us took notice of films like Pianist and many others.
Before writing this review, I did some random research over the movie and I found out that there is a view prevailing among some movie critics that the awards won by the movie are not solely based on its merit. They say that the movie was benefitted by the series of awards it won just before the Oscars and also by the faulty competitor’s strategy. The film promoters kept a low key promotion they did that by choice or they were forced to do so is not clearly evident. The whole point here is that it is the fame and success associated with Oscars that makes filmmakers to go any extend, to satisfy the needs of review committee which again reinstates the point that media has now the power to move masses or for that matter world and also, all that matters for production houses is not movie, but the profit that they can moake out of it..
The main story isn't about a war hero, but about people who don't want to die in this madness. Every aspect of the film is really done for a reason and in his place and you don't feel this as entertainment.There are many scenes in this movie where individuals are left with no choice but to save them and ignore the others in the process. That makes me think, can we really help anyone but ourselves in the extreme situations? I mean the really extreme situations. It will also cause you to stop and think about the riches we take for granted: family, food, music, freedom. In the course of showing us a struggle for survival, in all its animal simplicity, Polanski also gives us humanity, in all its complexity.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Placement Time

The TRAUMA reasons
  • ECONOMIC SLOWDOW; there cant be more difficult time then this.
  • IIT ROORKEE, the last and the least of the IITs.
  • Civil Engineer, do companies even know ,that we exist ??
  • The minority of companies having a faint idea of ROYAL CIVIL ENGINEERING if IIT Roorkee ,the 'so called' best in ASIA ,didnt even think twice before kicking us out in the final list( Ya Baby !! we reach till the final list, as this batch is flaunted as the best in years (dont go and ask our professors))
  • Then the icing on top of the biter cake , THE BTP, civil department is eating us out day by day ,the semester looks endless.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Mission accomplished-- TATKAL PASSPORT

It was about a year a back that I decided, I should have a passport ,owing to the talk about interns abroad but unfortunately or fortunately ,I got my research project selected in the summer scholarship program . Even then ,me and my frnd decided to go for it in the summers only to be restricted by our own inner demons .After almost four months these demons came back to confront us and thrash us in our faces and suddenly we realized the gravity of the situation and ran to the CAUTLEY BHAWAN supervisor ,who is supposed to be a passport agent. We told him about our situation that we want a passport within two months and to our misery even he backed off...saying a no-no to a normal (cheap-1000rs) passport and advised us to go for a 'TATKAL PASSPORT' (costly -2500rs) , we both went into a trance ,cursing each other and ourselves for our fallacies. Now we are left with no choice ,but to accept our fortune which is to go to passport office ,Bareilly and get our passport ourselves.
It was not all that easy as it seems I am try to summarize it as
  • Crossing the hurdle of bureaucracy that still prevails in our old British style university where everythin takes a extra day to complete.( VALIDIFICATION CERTIFICATE)
  • First time in my life , I went to the court there too I saw the Indianization of rules to suit the customers .The advocate signed our audit applications even before we have filled the particulars.
  • Now came the final run we got our online e tickets and went to Bareilly ,fortunately I hav my cousin sister stationed there so we enjoyed some homely envoirment and food.Then came the part thts the most difficult .Stood into the queue , got into the muddle and when we came out of it finally, after 3 hours ,we felt like some war winners.
  • Now back in Roorkee after three days ,when we got our hands on passport(surprisingly fast) there is a sense of achievement and relief which I hav no words to explain.


Saturday, June 16, 2007


Let me tell u onethin once there were two guyz...Does the begining sound very wierd ? Plz spare me ,I m just makin a desperate effort to get through the begining.As I hav told u before tht the begining alwayz makes me a little nervous but once i m through it ,I m a flowin river hard to stop ...Oh! yes the 'The PROJ' a hell of a interstin thing .I hav spend whole of my summer doin it and now on the verge of completion ,I feel a sense of freedom .No,not from the work ,but the tension it brings with it. See i told its hard to stop when I am flowin , I even forgot to mention, on wht the proj is based on but now on a second thought I think its better to leave it as such, as it is a very scientific term .Now as the flow is broken its time now to go and yes I am even thinkin of changing the title to 'THE FLOW' but let it be .

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


There got to be some charm in bloggin ...i am unknowingly doin it for the third time ...........Huh! It feels gud to get over the beginning as it always seems the most difficult part to me .Now as I hav begin talkin abt my likes and dislikes , let me tell u to me nothin is gud or bad, all the things in the world seems to hav a purpose .It may seem a little strange but thts true everythin in world is havin a purpose u just hav to find one ,when I see around me most of my frnds sure abt wht they want to do with their life ,i envy them because I am still in search of tht purpose.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Me and things around .....

I am back again bloggin ...i find it really fun ,nothing could replace the fun u hav when ur expressing urself .So let me start the fun ride ..."things around me " let me first tell u abt them .The life in hostels its the most interesting experience ,i hav so far in my short lif with all its bad and gud sides .